Category Archives: Parties

Minecraft Party

I threw a really neat birthday party for Tyler last weekend. It was a Minecraft party. If you don ‘t know what Minecraft is, just google it. It’s every where. Like usual however, they don’t make things for Minecraft parties. What I found online also seemed to be sparse. I do like to get ideas from the crazy parents that have entire blogs for the kid parties that they throw. I love them. I always get such great ideas.

Well at the risk of seeming a little crazy myself, I thought that I would add to the online Minecraft Party Theme ideas.

For the decorations I spent quit a good deal of time cutting construction paper into squares and individually taping them to the walls. This was the result:

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I tried to stay true to Minecraft with food. But fell way off with that one. I had hamburgers as the “beef” I think that it is actually steaks in the game. And Pork Tenderloin as the “pork”. Again, in the game I believe you get pork chops when you kill a pig. But that seemed like too much work. And to keep everybody happy I had hot dogs and chicken burgers. For dessert I made a cake

There were also cookies and pumpkin pie. That was at least true to the game. 🙂

The games were a lot if fun and a big hit with the kids. I got a couple of ideas for these online.

When the kids first came in I had them don my home-made Steve Head and stand in front of a Minecraft scene that I had put on the wall. I got that idea from Pinterest. The end result was this:


Then I had them each make their own Minecraft face. This was the first craft that I have ever had kids do at a party. Considering they were all 10 and 11 I think that it went off very well. My son’s friends are apparently as creative as he is.

For this I cut face size squares out of cardboard. I used left over boxes from shopping. If you go to one of the big food warehouses like Costcos they have a big bin of empty boxes by the door. I used some of those too. The Steve head used to carry milk. 🙂

Then I used my hot glue gun and attached unsharpened pencils as a handle. I went crazy again cutting tiny squares out of construction paper. I had each color in a separate bowl on the table, gave them each a glue stick and this was the result:


Then we played Attack of the Spiders. I blew up a couple of black balloons, grabbed some of the black and red squares that I had already cut out, then taped them to the balloons to look like spiders: I admit, they looked a little bit like rats. But when they were chasing the kids in the game it was really cool, the legs were flopping around and those beady red eyes. Creepy!



This is the show down between the last two. The last person with a non-popped spider won.

After this we played “blow up the TNT”. I took 2 diet coke bottles and made TNT labels for them. Then I broke the kids into two groups. I had the “TNT” a block apart from each other on the side walk with some Mentos. The first team to blow up their “TNT” won. Unfortunately the “TNT” blew up a lot faster than I expected so I don’t have any pictures of that one.

Then after cake we had a piñata. I got the idea for this here. I took another one of the “milk” boxes and covered it in white tissue paper. Then I took white crepe paper and cut it into squares. Which I then taped onto the box in rows. Then used some more of my tiny squares for the eyes and taped some long strips of crepe paper on the bottom for tentacles. Oh sorry I forgot to mention. This is a Ghast. You have no idea the amount of times I corrected my son about that. “No Tyler, it’s a Ghost.” “No mom, it ‘a a Ghast.” Turns out he was right. : ( Also I was told that I forgot his mouth. Geez, critics everywhere.



Lastly there were the gift bags. Everyone that I saw on Pinterest looked like this. These are mine. I filled them with Rubik’s Cubes and starbursts and spiders, really anything that I could find that was small cheap and pertaining to Minecraft somehow. 🙂


So that was the party. I hope that this helps anybody trying to plan one of these. And for those of you that are just my faithful followers this is only one of the insane things that I did that week. Who wouldn’t have needed a couple of half days off. : )


Posted by on October 6, 2013 in Parties


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